NAVIGATING by the stars
Retrograde Alchemy
The core of my astrological practice comes from the place that everything is connected, that your natal chart truly is a symbolic reflection of “As above so below”*** and that...
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Selah: To Pause In Contemplation
In the past two years the word selah has often dominated my thoughts. Occurring between verses or paragraphs in parts of the Hebrew Bible, it is a mysterious word of enigmatic meaning at the end of...
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Venus Retrograde: Reclaiming What We Love and Value
May is chock full of retrogrades. Pluto went into retrogradation at the end of April. Saturn goes retrograde on the 11th to be followed quickly by Venus on the 13th and then Jupiter on the...
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What Are You Devoted To?
Consciously Using The Virgo Pisces Polarity Similar to life, astrological understanding requires reconciling opposites. So how do we go about balancing the polarities with our lives and...
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Written in the Stars?
A few years ago a close friend of mine would ask me about the women he was interested in and then when I gave him the information he asked for (both the smooth and challenging matters at hand) take...
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Are you an open book?
“Astrology is a language, if you understand this language the sky speaks to you.” -Dane Rudhyar I love to read. According to my mother, I began to sound out words at...
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