Look to the Western Sky!

“If you are healthy, if you are happy, then other forms of life can profit from you. If you are sick, if you suffer, then other species will have to suffer with you. That insight of inter-being helps you see that you are linked to everything else.” Thich Nhat Hanh
I took this photo, fuzzy as it is, with my iPhone yesterday evening when I was mesmerized but the beauty of this alignment moving ever closer. On the 21st, those two planets, Jupiter and Saturn will appear as one in the Western Sky right around 6pm. For now they grow closer each evening.
In the Ancient world they experienced a soulful sky, poetically brilliant and full of signs. At that time everything was seen as intimately connected, we weren't separate.
On December 21st we will experience a moment in time that has not occurred since 1226 - being lauded as a Bethlehem Star. Every 20 years Jupiter and Saturn align, every 200 years the element they align in changes. For the past 200 years, with the exception of 1980, the Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions have taken place in Earth Signs. Next week on they align and move into Aquarius, an air sign. For the next 200 years each conjunction of these powerful archetypes from now on will take place in one of the air signs Gemini, Libra ad Aquarius. The last time this happened was 800 years ago in 1226 and yes, it was indeed in the sign of Aquarius.
Throughout history Jupiter Saturn cycles correlate with changes to the structure of societies and civilizations. These changes follow the pattern of the elements, with the events of one cycle seeding developments in the next and building over time. These cycles and connections apply to all of us on an individual level.
It is a time of initiation, an opportunity to create a new sense of value, meaning and purpose within our individual lives. When we consciously harness this time, nourishing this energy, we help the trajectory not only of our own lives but the lives of those around us and the planet. Our lives are intimately woven together, we are all an instrumental part of the fabric of life. When we heal ourselves we are contributing to the whole. One healthy cell can change the body's trajectory in response to illness.
Our lives are essentially an expression of evolving consciousness in action. We are in an ongoing intimate dance with the universe and this gorgeous patterning can be seen through the patterning in our astrological charts.
This Saturday, December 19, 10-11:30 am MST via Zoom join Mindy for Exploring the Great Mutation. Learn how to harness its energy personally as we head into 2021. The cost of the webinar is $20. All attending will receive a recording of the class and slides of the material so you do not need to attend in person. We will cover some of the archetypes, energies and stories associated with Aquarius, (in particular through the eyes of Jupiter and Saturn) and how to use them to foster change within your own life. There will be a brief Q & A session at the end of the session. To register please reach out to me directly at SedonaAstrologer@gmail.com.