NAVIGATING by the stars
New Moon/solar Eclipse in Taurus: What do you really want?
New Moon/Solar Eclipse Saturday, April 30th 4:28 PM EDT/1:28PM PDT at 10 degrees and 28 minutes of the sign of Taurus The skies are busy, after a period of quiet, during the month of...
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Embodying Venus: Cutting To The Heart of Desire
In eight days we will be entering Taurus season, which is also the sign of our next New Moon and solar eclipse on April 30. There will more about that and how to focus the energy in two...
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New Moon in Aries: Take up your Quest!
This New Moon is Aries is all about beginnings. Full of enthusiasm, Aries is an initiator energy, it marks the opening of a cycle. It is the pursuit of the quest. Specifically, the...
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March's Patron Saint Mars Asks Us, What Is Worth Fighting For?
There is an innate wildness within all of us. A way of moving, a pulse, that silently draws us forward. An instinctive knowing that seemingly, inexplicably draws us along our path. It knows what...
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Connected With The New Moon in Pisces: Wednesday, March 2
As we approach the Vernal Equinox on March 21, an annual time of new beginnings, today’s potent and enchanting New Moon in Pisces gives us a very special opportunity to gather our focus and...
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Full Moon in Leo: What's Blocking You From Shining?
I seem to be obsessed with the Moon these days. I can trace the path in my own chart, illuminating why I am so profoundly tugged by these particular tides in this particular moment. As I...
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Release Ritual for this Sparkly Full Moon in Leo❤️
Leo Full Moon Wednesday February 16, 9:38 AM Sedona time, 11:38 AM EST This image of the moon was taken shortly before sunrise this morning, so bright it almost looks like the sun...
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What's Love Got to Do With it?
As I write this we are still in the phase of the New Moon in Aquarius. Even though Aquarius is an air sign–it’s called “the Water Bearer” because have strong historical...
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The Sanctuary of Belonging: Finding Our Way Home
The Sanctuary of Belonging: Finding our Way Home New Class Beginning February 21, 2022! To this world you belong. To this moment, to this place where you already stand, something greater...
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Entering the Grotto of Venus 2:Tips for the Venus Retrograde
Venus retrograde presents an invitation to reclaim a part of ourselves. I love this image and quote for Venus, particularly the concept that everything breathes together. It is all connected. Our...
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Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius: Envision New Possibilities
At 43 minutes past midnight (MST) tonight Saturday, December 4th, a Solar Eclipse is taking place at 12 degrees of Sagittarius. Solar Eclipses, which always take place at the New Moon, are...
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Venus goes Retrograde in Capricorn
On December 19, 2021, Venus is going retrograde in Capricorn. For 40 days and nights she is heading to the underworld, in this case aligned with Pluto the God of the underworld...
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Welcoming The Dark of The Scorpio New Moon
We have reached the time of the year associated with depth and mystery. The velvety night deepens in length and the Scorpio New Moon, exact on November 4th at 2:14pm PDT, arrives during the...
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Mercury Retrograde in Libra: Finding Balance
Once again we are in a Mercury Retrograde period. The planetary messenger stations and turns retrograde early Saturday September 25th. Often filled with inconveniences and...
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New Moon in Virgo: This Magic Moment (Virgo's Superpower)
On Monday, September 6th, at 5:52 PM, PDT we enter a New Moon in Virgo. I have a small secret to share with you: I restarted this post at least five times. Finally it...
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