NAVIGATING by the stars
New Moon In Leo: Seeing The Light
About 20 years ago I was standing at the back of the room in a seminar when one of the leaders shared how he had proposed to his wife. He shared that he promised to never “know” her...
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New Moon In Cancer: Poised At The Crossroads
We have been born into our material existence with a spiritual agenda exquisitely etched into the map that is our natal chart. A snapshot of the heavens as viewed from earth at the very moment we...
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Welcoming the Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse, Mercury Cazimi!
Early Thursday morning, 3:53 AM in Sedona, a Solar Ring of Fire eclipse takes place in the effervescent sign of Gemini and to top that off less than ten hours later Mercury is retrograde Cazimi - at...
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Supermoon Eclipse
Photo credit Mark Rownd As I shared last week, Wednesday, May 26th, a Supermoon Eclipse takes place. If you’re fortunate to live in the western half of North or South...
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Taking a Chance on Your Soul’s Wisdom
Between now and the end of July there is a lot of activity brewing in the archetypal sky. As I write this Jupiter has ingressed into Pisces, a sign which he rules and is therefore in a strong...
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Mars and the Path of Initiation: What is worth fighting for?
Lately I have found myself in deep contemplation about the role of Mars in the natal chart. Representing our inner warrior, Mars both by sign and house placement points us in the direction of...
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New Moon in Pisces Accessing Love As a Power
As we approach the Vernal Equinox on March 21, an annual time of new beginnings, March 13th’s potent and enchanting New Moon in Pisces gives us a very special opportunity to consciously set...
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Aquarius New Moon: Were Do you Wish to Dwell?
Last month on January 24th I celebrated my 60th birthday. As an astrologer, I prepared for it on a certain level by gazing upon my solar return chart. This chart is drawn up for the exact...
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Navigating By The Stars
Happy Solstice! As I shared last week today during the Solstice, December 21 at 11:20 a.m. MST, we will experience a moment in time that has not occurred since 1226 - being lauded as a...
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Look to the Western Sky!
“If you are healthy, if you are happy, then other forms of life can profit from you. If you are sick, if you suffer, then other species will have to suffer with you. That insight of inter-being...
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From Earth To Air Re-envisioning What's Possible
2020, a dramatic year of change that we will all remember, is now speeding to a close. Given how intense it has been for all of us on a global level it is no surprise that we have a breathtaking...
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An Invitation To Follow The Path of Desire: Mars Direct and a Scorpio New Moon
It is finally time to move forward!“Shed down a kindly ray from above upon my life, and strength of war, that I may be able to drive away bitter cowardice from my head and crush down...
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Forward Through The Eyes of The Transiting Nodes Of The Moon
Our experience of the world has changed greatly over the past few months. We are undergoing a collective experience in a manner that most of us have never encountered within our lifetime....
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Fireworks With A Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn
This weekend on Saturday night (9:44pm PDT) or early Sunday (12:44am EDT), depending on where you reside, a lunar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn takes place making this a supercharged full...
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Mercury The Magician and Guardian of Thresholds Goes Retrograde
Once again here we are in Mercury Retrograde period. The planetary messenger stations and turns retrograde early today. Often filled with inconveniences and misunderstandings from the...
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