New Moon in Sagittarius: Taking a leap of faith

New Moon in Sagittarius
December 1, 1:21 am EST/November 30, 10:21 pm PST
I have a long four-foot wooden plaque that is designed to be a Christmas decoration, which is inscribed with the word believe. I began to hang it year-round when I was taking care of my aging mother and felt completely overwhelmed much of the time. It acted as a mnemonic device that kept me focused on something larger, a vista I could only imagine.
The act of believing is powerful. It is the fuel that takes us beyond our current circumstances. All of the best things in life - love, dreams, and more, require a daily dose of belief to thrive. Any well-known person you admire used the engine of belief to sustain the work it took to create the life they have.
Each New Moon offers an opportunity for renewal. Monthly, the two lights of the night sky that are personal to us, meaning they are in our solar system, come together, and a new cycle begins. Astrologically, the Sun and the Moon coming together and renewing each month represent a rebirth: A fortunate time to begin again.
The New Moon is in Sagittarius, the sign connected with philosophy and religions, and, as a result, believing. A fire sign, it has an adventurous energy and is all too eager to head off into new horizons. It is the energy of living large and taking that leap of faith, you know that one that even though you may not speak it out loud some part of you inside can hear its siren call.
We all carry stories about our lives, narratives that we believe in that form the limits of what is possible for us. We wrestle with these limits on a daily basis. In fact, we believe in them so strongly that we most often don’t even consider other options. We don’t ask ourselves what is actually possible.
This New Moon is a nudge from the universe illuminating our inner stories that need to be rewritten because they have outlived their usefulness and formed invisible walls around us. We all have stories that we tell ourselves about our lives. Stories that we most often deem irrefutable ‘truth.’ These fairy tales cast a spell that forms our assumptions, and expectations of ourselves and the world around us. These narratives often contain the implicit glass ceiling that we have placed upon ourselves in order to remain safe.
This brings to mind the metaphor of the flea circus, which goes like this: How do you train fleas? You put them in a jar and put a piece of plastic across the top. They will try to jump out but keep hitting the invisible lid until eventually, the trainer can remove the sheet of plastic and the fleas won’t ever try to jump out. They have, in effect, learned that it is useless to even try.
This is when, in essence, we need an intervention. Over ten years ago now, a friend asked me to go to Italy with her. I responded that it was impossible; I was committed to directing a show, and the dates of the tour fell right into what I had envisioned as the rehearsal schedule. She then asked me this question that has shifted the trajectory of my life well beyond that moment. She said, “You’re the Director, can’t you figure out a way to do both?” This had never occurred to me; it was in fact, revelatory, and as a result, I still ask myself this question whenever I feel pinned between two choices. And yes, I did go to Italy.
Sagittarius carries the energy of the quest. The pilgrimage. The journey that is endowed with meaning. When we go on a pilgrimage, we are purposefully going beyond what we have known before. While the word pilgrimage conjures up beautiful, heartfelt imagery, the actual act of pilgrimage requires that we recommit again and again to the path we have chosen to follow. As Wayne Muller said, “Choosing to believe in the ways our hearts call us is a type of pilgrimage.”
This New Moon is an invitation to go beyond. To go beyond the walls and limits that we ourselves built in response to having our hearts broken at some point. It is good to remember that a heart that has been broken is also a heart that has been cracked wide open. We just have to believe.
It is the last New Moon before the solstice, and before we know it, another year comes to a close. It is the perfect opportunity to take stock and ask yourself: Where can you envision going beyond yourself in 2025?
One last note:
Change is in the air.
Individually and collectively, in 2025, heading into 2026, we stand on the brink of massive change. Yes, Pluto has just moved into Aquarius (this is separate from the Age of Aquarius, which is connected to the Vernal Equinox moving into the constellation of Aquarius and a time that is greatly debated; some argue it began as long ago as the late 1990’s and some believe we are still in the process of moving into it.)but the other “Gods of Change,” as the late great astrologer Howard Sasportas referred to them, Uranus and Neptune, also dip their toes into new signs next year, along with their cohort Saturn, firmly moving into them in 2026.
I will speak more about this in the coming months, but I want to emphasize that leaning into change at this moment is to go with the greater flow